The State of Sales Recruiting: What You Need To Know About Hiring Today There are currently 14 million salespeople in the U.S. comprising both inside and…
read moreWhat the NFL Draft Teaches About Recruiting
Growing up as a diehard Detroit Lions fan, I will always remember in spring 2009 when the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, stood up at the podium and…
read moreAre Your Hiring Strategies Successfully Recruiting for These Top Ten Critical Marketing Skills?
Would it surprise you to know that 97% of marketers believe machine learning-based automation will power the marketing strategies of the future? Companies…
read morePassive vs. Active Candidates: What’s the Difference?
If you knew that your company career board would only reach a scant 12% of the workforce, would that change the way you approach recruiting? According to…
read moreRethinking Hiring Strategies for the Supply Chain Industry: How to Find and Hire Tomorrow’s Supply Chain Professionals
In our last two posts on supply chain recruiting, we discussed why the evolving job requirements in the industry have created a growing talent gap and…
read moreFrom Gap to Crisis: Understanding the Demand for Supply Chain Talent
When you order something on Amazon, how does it get from the warehouse to your doorstep? It’s not a question most people think about, but the answer is:…
read moreFinancial Services Recruiting Strategies to Hire the Best & Brightest
The future is bright for finance institutions. Globalization, technological innovation, and a growing economy have created new opportunities and…
read moreRetained Vs. Contingency Search: What’s the Difference?
Your employees are the backbone of your business. Quality people make you more profitable, help you develop a loyal base of customers, and contribute to a…
read moreHow To Leverage Social Media for Health Recruiting
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare jobs are projected to grow by 18%, with 2.4 million new healthcare jobs added by 2026. With…
read moreSeasonal Recruitment: Strong Talent Acquisition Beyond The Holidays
We’ve just come through a busy holiday season where retailers, logistics companies, and customer service providers all padded their employee ranks with…
read moreWhat Uber and Lyft Reviews Tell You About the Attitude and Personal Reputation of Candidates
Guest post by Technology Executive & Investor, Tony DiBenedetto If you have ever hired anyone, you know how hard it is to learn what a candidate is really…
read moreThe Guide to the Interview Process for Hiring Managers and Companies
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Successful, Unbiased Interview Process At Hire Velocity, our recruiting team conducts phone interviews with an average of…
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