The Labor Department reported that there were more advertised job openings in February than any time in the past two years. This trend is expected to…
read moreUsing LinkedIn to recruit graduating college students
LinkedIn is a popular social network among professionals and college students. While Facebook is more for personal use, LinkedIn allows professionals and…
read moreGeneration Y: Taking Over the Workforce
Generation Y is starting to enter the workforce and there are a lot of them. In fact, there are more than 80 million, which is bigger than the Baby…
read moreEmployment Varies State by State
It is common knowledge that the job market is difficult in these tough economic times. The Obama administration has been working hard to find ways to…
read moreThe Varying Unemployment Rate of Different Occupations
You may have read our article last month that boasts about the unemployment rate falling to 9 percent, which is the lowest since April 2009. This is…
read moreAmerica’s Hottest Job Markets
With a new year comes new hot job markets in the United States. released a report showing the top ten job markets that are great places for…
read moreStronger Employment Trends Expected in 2011
The unemployment rates in 2010 have been the highest in well over twenty years. It has been a difficult year for the unemployed who have had trouble…
read moreSWOT Analysis of RPO Firms
Using a Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) firm to outsource your hiring is something to be seriously considered when stepping up your recruitment…
read moreSeasonal hiring on the rise
The holiday season is right around the corner and retailers are preparing for an increase in foot traffic. 58 percent of stores expect to increase sales 6…
read moreRPO Services and Service Level Agreements (SLA) - What You Need To Know
Choosing a Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) firm to outsource your hiring needs is a great choice when you’re focused on maximizing financial and…
read moreRecruiting Solutions and the Importance of Research
Recruiting quality talent requires a great deal of research. Unfortunately, finding the right person for the job is not as easy as picking a random resume…
read moreActive Candidate Screening and Sourcing
What is it?
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