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Twitter is a great tool for businesses looking to have direct contact with consumers. With over 15 million active users, businesses have cited the social media network as a way to let users know about new products or services. Twitter even has a dedicated page for businesses explaining how the service can be used. But can Twitter be used in the recruiting industry? The answer is yes. Twitter is a fantastic resource for companies looking to reach an endless amount of users with little effort.

Many companies have dedicated an entire Twitter account to listing available jobs. For example, MTV (@MTVnetworksjobs) tweets its open positions and is always willing to answer questions about job related questions. The account has over 21,000 followers, this means that every time the network posts a job, over 21,000 people see it. Furthermore, if one of those over 21,000 people retweet the job listing, every one of his or her followers sees it too. This is a fantastic approach to promoting your open positions to an endless amount of candidates.

For the average business, getting over 21,000 followers like MTV Networks is not an easy task. It takes quality posts and strategic timing to acquire a following. It is important to take into consideration when people will be using Twitter before posting a job listing. For example, tweeting a job posting at 3am on a Monday night is not likely to have a large reach because many users are asleep and may have work early the next morning. Instead you may want to think about tweeting it at 7:30am when many users are waking up to check their Twitter timeline before getting ready to start the work day. You may want to also think about retweeting the job posting later in the day at around 6:30pm when users are getting out of work and home to browse the Internet. Don't be discouraged if you don't acquire a large following at first, keep tweeting on a regular basis and the following will surely come.

You can always check out Hire Velocity's on Twitter @HireVelocity.