Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Blog | Hire Velocity

Sales Recruitment Consultants - Finding the Best | Hire Velocity

Written by Hire Velocity | October 2022

A world-class sales team is essential for any business that wants to be successful. Consistent sales and growth rely on having great salespeople. That's why working with a sales recruitment consultant is so critical. A sales recruiter can solidify your recruitment process, hire team members quickly and find the best candidates to build a strong sales team. 

You can do a few things to ensure your sales recruitment process funnels you to the most qualified prospects. By following these steps, you'll be on your way to building the absolute best sales team for your business.  

Anticipate the Need 

So, how can you predict sales team needs? A solid sales recruitment and hiring process starts before you even have a job opening. By anticipating your needs, you can be proactive in recruiting sales reps and avoid the panic of trying to fill an open position on a tight deadline. 

  • Take a look at your sales goals. What do you need to achieve them? How many salespeople will you need? What skills and experience will they require? Answering questions about your sales objectives will help you identify the salespeople you'll need to hire in the future to hit your revenue benchmarks. 
  • Consider your sales staff's tenure. Sales rep turnover is inevitable—despite your best efforts, top talent will leave to pursue other interests. Instead of waiting for employees to depart, plan for it in your sales recruitment process. Use a sales turnover calculator to predict the impact of turnover on your company. 
  • Review your high-level leadership regularly. As your business grows, you'll need salespeople with different skills and experience levels. Develop a plan to address growing talent needs, qualifications, and the new positions you'll need to create. 

By taking these steps, you can avoid the last-minute struggle to find employees when an opening appears. 

Set Goals for Your Sales Recruitment Consultant 

When outsourcing recruitment, set clear goals and expectations. Whether you're looking to fill one sales position or an entire sales team, your sales recruiter should know what you need and work efficiently to meet those needs. You will have a better recruitment outcome when you sync with your recruiter. What are some objectives you should discuss with your sales recruitment consultant? 

Identify the salespeople you need to hire 

As we mentioned, look at your sales goals and team's tenure to get an idea of the types of salespeople you need to recruit. Then, develop profiles for each position, including qualifications, skills, and experience. 

Establish a timeline 

When do you need new sales staff? How long does the sales recruitment process usually take in your industry? Be realistic in setting a timeframe to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the recruitment process. 

Set a budget 

Sales recruitment process costs can vary depending on your needs, so it is crucial to know how much you are willing to spend. Discuss your budget with your recruitment consultant so you can work within your budget. 

By having these conversations and setting clear goals at the beginning, you can avoid surprises and have a smoother sales recruitment process with better results. 

Screen Candidates Carefully 

Ensure your pre-screening process is as efficient as possible. The screening process can be time-consuming, but finding the best sales team for your business is worth it. Here are ways you can optimize your screening process: 

  • Create a sales recruitment assessment. An assessment will help you identify candidates with the skills and experience you're looking for. 
  • Review resumes carefully. Salespeople are salespeople, so they're good at selling themselves on paper. So, take the time to dig deeper into resumes. Look for red flags, such as employment gaps and job-hopping. 
  • Conduct sales-specific interviews. The sales interview process is different from other types of interviews. Be sure to ask sales-related questions that will help you gauge a candidate's skills and abilities. 
  • Check references. When you've narrowed down your candidates, check their references. This is essential in getting to know a prospect and ensuring they are the right fit for your business. 
  • Ask your sales recruiter for help. A sales recruitment consultant can offer valuable insights and help you identify the best sales employees for your business.  

Stay on Track for Sales Success 

Hiring the right salespeople is essential to running a successful business. But sales recruitment is not a one-time process. To keep your sales team performing well, stay on top of sales trends and optimize your recruitment process. You can build a world-class sales team by following these steps and working with a sales recruitment consultant. 

Leverage the sales recruitment and hiring expertise of a recruitment process outsourcing firm (RPO). At Hire Velocity, we partner with you to identify the best candidates for every sales position, including B2B, commercial, inside sales, outside sales, technical, direct, retail, industrial, and more. From Sales Development Representatives (SDR) and Account Executives (AE) to Sales Managers and Vice Presidents of Sales, the unique partnership model of RPO helps you hire quality people while developing a consistent, predictable sales talent pipeline. 

Want to know more about how Hire Velocity can help you reach your sales recruiting goals by outsourcing recruitment? Contact us today to get started.