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Remote Workers Today | Hire Velocity

Written by Sara West | July 2021

Over the last 10 years, the United States telecommuting workforce has grown over 90%, and current trends show this growth isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Hiring remote workers can be an excellent way for companies to add specialized skills to their teams without concern for geographical limitations. Discover 7 key things to know when hiring remote workers today.

1. Remote working opportunities are in a high demand

The demand for flexibility in where and how people work has been on the rise for decades. Surveys before the health crisis consistently showed that 80% of employees wanted the option to work from home occasionally. The experience of working from home during COVID-19 has left many remote workers with a desire to seek out remote work opportunities exclusively.

2. A new way to improve employee retention

Remote workers enjoy telecommuting jobs because it offers a positive work-life balance. Employers have found that telework has had a high impact on employee retention, with 46% of companies that hire remote workers reporting a reduction in attrition.

3. Use the right tools

To manage remote workers, you need to provide your team with the best tools, such as teleconferencing capabilities and team management software. Effectively managing remote workers requires tools to ensure everyone participates in the work process, no matter their geographical location.

4. Screening remote workers may be slightly different

Sourcing and screening remote workers requires some adjustments from in-person interactions but can be just as effective at hiring skilled talent. Seek out talent that has the necessary skills and attributes to work independently from home. Embrace virtual interviews and ask questions to gauge their ability to be successful remote workers.

5. Communication is key

Communication is essential for remote workers to succeed. Establish clear expectations throughout the hiring process and onboarding. These expectations should include all workplace environment details, including work hours, availability, and deadlines. Consider precisely how often remote workers will check in and the best means of communication.

6. Rethinking workplace culture

Traditional workplace culture is built around an all in-house staff environment. To include remote workers, adjust the workplace culture to be inclusive, and focus on transparency, trust, and communication within the entire team. If you are able, plan for all your employees to meet annually.

7. Cost-saving opportunities

Remote workers can help companies save money by reducing the need for business travel for meetings and decreasing the need for large office environments. Other cost-saving benefits of remote workers include American Disabilities Act compliance being easier for disabled workers, reduced relocation fees for employees, and decreased absenteeism.


Recruit and Hire the Talent You Need

Companies are taking note of the benefits of remote workers, and many are making permanent shifts to a remote workforce. Download our Remote Work eBook to learn how to effectively hire remote workers so that you can build a productive and reliable remote team.