Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Blog | Hire Velocity

Revamp Your Hiring Game with These RPO Recruiting Strategies

Written by HV | September 2023

Have you ever felt your recruitment plans drag on for too long without tangible results? Are you looking to revamp and expedite your hiring process without compromising the quality of hires? If yes, then recruitment process outsourcing, or RPO recruiting, may be the solution you're looking for.  

But what RPO recruiting strategies should you adopt to reap maximum benefits?  

RPO companies use a combination of technology, tools, and processes to help organizations accelerate the speed and cost of their recruitment process. While working with an RPO partner is a critical decision, you can also adopt some of the same strategies in your own recruiting process to get the best results.  

In this article, we'll explore a few RPO recruiting strategies you can adopt to streamline your recruiting process and enhance your hiring success. 

Centralize Your Recruitment Process 

One of the best "first steps" to a successful recruitment process is one that's organized and centralized. Rather than having multiple departments and teams working on filling different roles, designate a single point of contact for recruitment and develop an organized workflow. This approach can help you streamline the hiring process.  

The centralized approach ensures that there is no redundancy in work or overlaps in communication, making it easier to track progress and optimize performance. It also helps to keep everyone "in the loop," which increases accountability and trust between teams. You can also use a recruitment platform to work on administrative tasks and store documents, so all team members can easily access them whenever needed.  

Adopt Technology in Your Process 

Automation, AI, and online technology have revolutionized how recruiters work and accelerate the hiring process. Rather than relying on outdated methods, by embracing recruiting technology, you can automate procedures like screening resumes, scheduling interviews, communicating with candidates, and managing the workflow. 

Examples of innovative hiring technology that can help streamline the process include: 

  • Applicant tracking systems (ATS) 
  • Automated screening tools  
  • Video and online interviewing  
  • Social media recruiting platforms 
  • Automated reference checking  

Beyond the tools themselves, you can leverage the data and insights gathered through recruitment technology to measure the effectiveness of your recruiting process. By reducing the time and cost your recruitment team spends on some recruiting functions, you can focus their energy on other higher-value tasks. 

Elevate the Employee Experience 

According to SHRM, 92% of employers have prioritized the employee experience over the next 3 years. Why the shift in focus? Because the quality of the employee experience has a direct impact on recruitment success.  

Long-term recruitment success isn't just about attracting talent but retaining it. And improving the employee experience and company culture can significantly help with this. By investing in your employees and creating a work environment that people enjoy showing up to, your organization can maintain a robust staff that aligns with your company's values. 

Rather than luring prospects and current employees with a paycheck, prioritize creating a workplace where your team members feel heard, engaged, and valued.  

Develop A Detailed Screening Process 

RPO recruiting teams have developed and tested recruitment screening processes focused on quickly identifying suitable candidates. If you're creating your own strategy, be sure to design one to filter out only the most qualified candidates without drawing out the process.  

How can you create a concise screening process?  

Start by understanding the job requirements and the key traits you're looking for in a candidate. From this information, create a list of criteria to help filter out inappropriate candidates during the initial stages. Use automated tools to vet resumes and ask questions in the interview that will help you determine whether the candidate is suitable for the role. Follow up with a process that includes background checks, reference checks, and assessments to validate the candidate's qualifications.  

Organizations can reduce the risks associated with hiring the wrong candidate by having a comprehensive pre-employment screening process. 

Strategies or RPO Recruiting Expertise?  

Incorporating RPO recruiting strategies into your internal hiring team can lead to significant advantages for your organization—quicker hiring, better talent, and increased efficiency.  

But, while these benefits are certainly significant, the reality is that the expertise, resources, and scalability offered by an RPO can often make it far more cost-effective to outsource your recruitment strategies. Here are some key advantages of partnering with an RPO firm: 

  • Specialized Expertise: RPO firms have extensive experience in recruitment and are constantly up-to-date on the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices. 
  • Access to a Larger Network: RPO providers have access to vast networks of candidates, including passive candidates who might not otherwise come across your job postings. 
  • Time Savings: An RPO company can take on the time-consuming tasks of sourcing, screening, interviewing, and onboarding candidates, allowing your HR team to focus on other strategic initiatives. 
  • Scalability: RPO providers can quickly adjust their services to meet your changing needs, ensuring you have the right resources in place regardless of fluctuations in hiring demand. 
  • Advanced Technologies: RPO firms use the latest recruitment technologies and tools, giving you access to sophisticated sourcing, screening, and analytics without the need for significant internal investment.

Consider how your organization operates and your goals before opting for an RPO partner, and select one that offers a strong track record in hiring and talent acquisition. 

Hire Velocity designs talent strategies that build great teams and great businesses. We are a proven leader in Human Capital Solutions and are trusted by companies for customized recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, and talent advisory solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build winning teams that drive success.