Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Blog | Hire Velocity

Social Media Recruiting - Recruiting Agencies | Hire Velocity

Written by Hire Velocity | April 2017

Do you know the best practices for recruiting with social media? Watch this video for helpful advice and then read our companion article for more detailed information: Win the Recruiting Marathon With Social Media



Get into the rhythm of social media recruiting.  Why use social media? Two words: passive candidates

70% of potential hires are passive candidates.  60% of employers use social media networking sites to research job candidates.  But to use social media you need a strategy.  

Goals: Make a list of measurable goals before you start posting.  
Great culture:  Recruiting on social shows the company’s culture
Time: Invest your time wisely by creating a content calendar

To get started, here is what you need to do (recruiting agencies can help!):

Who are you trying to reach? Know who you are trying to reach
Get employees on board Employees can become the best brand ambassadors
Build a strategy Know what the best times to post on each network are

Hiring managers are most likely to use social networks to screen in:

  1. 76% IT
  2. 65% Sales
  3. 61% Financial Services
  4. 59% Healthcare
  5. 59% Retail
  6. 56% Manufacturing
  7. 55% Professional & Business Services

One last thing….3 out of 4 employees say their employer does not know how to promote job openings via social media*

*Don’t be this company

If you are interested in learning more, check out our blog post!