Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Blog | Hire Velocity

Tips for Creating a Hiring Team to Find Tech Talent and Team Fit

Written by HV | May 2024

According to projections from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Lightcast, the tech workforce is poised for explosive growth. This industry is expected to expand twice as fast as the overall U.S. workforce in the next ten years. This surge in demand presents a unique challenge for companies - attracting and retaining top tech talent.

The key to success lies in building a solid hiring team. But assembling the right crew goes beyond simply filling open positions. It requires a strategic approach that identifies your organization's specific needs and cultivates a team with the expertise and vision to source, evaluate, and onboard the best and brightest minds in tech.

How do you do that? Join us as we explore tips on how to build a winning hiring team for your tech company.


Assemble a Diverse Hiring Team


Assembling diverse individuals with varied backgrounds and perspectives can ensure that different viewpoints are considered during recruitment. A diverse team can bring fresh ideas to the table and help challenge assumptions.

Having a mix of personalities and skills on your hiring team can also lead to more comprehensive evaluations of candidates. Each team member may look at potential hires from a different angle, providing a well-rounded assessment.

Diversity in your hiring team extends beyond just demographics. It should also include diversity in experience levels and job functions. This variety ensures that all aspects of candidate evaluation are covered thoroughly.

Here are some people you should consider including on your team:


Current Talent


Who knows your company culture and values better than the people who live them daily? Involve current employees in the interview process to get their insights on potential candidates.

Having team members participate in interviews helps assess cultural fit. They can provide valuable perspectives on how well a candidate might integrate into the team. Their input can also help gauge technical skills and competencies from a peer's point of view.

Encourage team members to ask questions that reflect the role's technical requirements and align with the company's values. This dual perspective ensures a holistic evaluation of each candidate, leading to better hiring decisions overall.


HR and Recruiting Professionals


Human resources professionals can offer expertise on the following and more:

  • Identifying top talent
  • Assessing resumes and cover letters
  • Conducting interviews

They also have experience in ensuring the process of hiring an employee follows legal guidelines. Their understanding of equal opportunity employment laws is critical to ensure that diverse candidates are treated fairly throughout the recruitment process.

In addition, HR professionals can provide training for the rest of the team on how to conduct unbiased interviews and avoid discriminatory practices.


Department Heads or Managers


Including department heads or managers from different areas of the company can provide a broader perspective on candidate evaluations. These team members can evaluate candidates based on their potential fit with their specific teams and identify any skills gaps that need filling.

Their input can also help determine how well a candidate might integrate into different departments or teams within the company.


External Consultants


Consider bringing in external consultants who specialize in diversity and inclusion. These experts can provide valuable insights into creating an inclusive hiring process and help identify any potential biases in the recruitment process.

They may also offer training for your team on diversity and inclusion best practices, helping to create a more inclusive workplace culture overall.


Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)


ERGs are voluntary, employee-led groups that promote organizational diversity and inclusion. Including members of ERGs on your hiring team can help ensure that different perspectives and experiences are considered during the recruitment process.

They can also provide valuable insights into how a potential candidate might fit into the company's diverse employee base and contribute to creating an inclusive workplace culture.


Rely on the Experts: Recruitment Process Outsourcing


Sometimes, you need to rely on the experts. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) can be a game-changer in your hiring process. By partnering with an RPO firm, you gain access to specialized expertise and resources that can streamline your recruitment efforts.

These professionals are well-versed in sourcing, screening, and selecting candidates efficiently. They understand the nuances of the tech industry and know what it takes to attract top-tier talent. With their help, you can tap into a broader network of potential candidates and significantly improve your chances of finding the perfect fit for your team.

Additionally, RPO firms have access to cutting-edge technology and data analytics tools. These can enhance your recruitment strategy.

Here are some tips for choosing the right RPO for your company:


Evaluate Their Experience and Expertise


Look for an RPO firm with a proven track record of success in the tech industry. The firm should deeply understand the skills and qualifications required for different tech roles and experience sourcing and recruiting for these positions.

You can also ask for case studies or client testimonials to better understand their expertise and results. Be sure to ask about their specific strategies and techniques for sourcing and screening tech candidates.


Consider Their Cultural Fit


Cultural fit is crucial in the tech industry, where collaboration and innovation are key. You want an RPO firm that understands your company culture and can help you find candidates who will thrive in your environment. Ask about their approach to assessing cultural fit during the recruitment process.


Understand Their Recruitment Process


Each RPO firm may have a slightly different recruitment process. Understanding how they operate before making a decision is essential.

Ask about their process for sourcing, screening, and selecting candidates and their timeline for filling positions. You want to make sure their process aligns with your needs and expectations.


Discuss Data Analytics and Reporting


Data analytics is becoming increasingly important in recruitment. A good RPO firm should be able to provide you with data and insights on your hiring process, such as time-to-fill metrics, cost-per-hire, and candidate quality. This information can help you track the success of your recruitment efforts and make future data-driven decisions.


Communicate Your Needs Clearly


Communication is vital when partnering with an RPO firm. Be sure to communicate your company's needs, goals, and expectations. This will help the firm tailor their services to meet your specific requirements.

Also, make sure you have a designated point of contact within the RPO firm who can provide updates and answer any questions or concerns you may have throughout the recruitment process.


Use Data and Technology


Technology tools like applicant tracking systems (ATS) help efficiently manage job postings, applications, and candidate communication. These platforms automate repetitive tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on high-value activities like building relationships with top talent.

Data-driven recruitment strategies can also improve diversity and inclusion efforts by removing bias from the hiring process. Analyzing metrics related to sourcing channels, interview outcomes, and employee retention rates helps optimize recruitment practices for better results.

However, while technology is a powerful tool in recruitment, it should not replace the human touch. Building personal connections with candidates and creating a positive candidate experience is crucial for attracting top talent.

Recruiters should also use technology to enhance their human interactions. For example, using video conferencing for virtual interviews can help bridge the gap between remote candidates and hiring managers.

In addition, technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) can assist in resume screening and candidate matching. However, they should be used carefully to avoid perpetuating bias. Recruiters should regularly review and audit these tools to ensure they promote diversity and inclusion in the hiring process.

Here are a couple of tips to help you find a good balance between technology and the human touch.


Personalize Communication


Technology can assist in communication, but it's important not to rely solely on automated messages. Take the time to personalize communication with candidates through email or social media to build a human connection.


Use Technology to Streamline Administrative Tasks


Technology can help streamline administrative tasks like posting job openings, collecting applications, and scheduling interviews. This allows recruiters to spend more time building relationships with candidates.


Focus on Candidate Experience


Focusing on the candidate experience is crucial when building a hiring team to find top tech employees. Remember, candidates evaluate your company just as much as you assess them. Around 63% of applicants won't accept a role after a negative candidate experience.

The people you choose for your hiring team will help shape the experience. When selecting your team, look for the following qualities:


Good Communication Skills


Your team should have excellent communication skills. This will help them effectively communicate with candidates and provide a positive experience.


Positive Attitude


The members of your hiring team should have a positive attitude and be enthusiastic about the company and the position they are hiring for. This will help create a welcoming and engaging experience for candidates.




Empathy is critical to creating a positive candidate experience. Your hiring team should understand that job searching can be stressful and strive to make the process as smooth and pleasant as possible for applicants.


Knowledgeable About the Company and Position


Your hiring team should understand your company's values, culture, and the specific requirements for the position they are hiring for. This will help them accurately represent your company and provide candidates with all the necessary information.


Effective Interviewing Skills


The interview process is a crucial aspect of the experience. Your hiring team should have practical interviewing skills. This includes the following and more:

  • Active listening
  • Asking relevant questions
  • Providing clear feedback


Define Hiring Criteria and Objectives


Before starting the recruitment process, sit down with your hiring team to outline what skills, experience, and attributes are essential for success in the role. Consider technical abilities and soft skills that align with your company culture.

Let's discuss several ways setting clear criteria and objectives will help your hiring team.


Streamline the Selection Process


Having defined criteria and objectives will help your team focus on the most important factors when reviewing applications and conducting interviews. Eliminating candidates who do not meet the essential requirements will save time and resources.


Consistency in Evaluating Candidates


Establishing clear hiring criteria and objectives will provide a consistent framework for evaluating candidates. This will help eliminate personal biases and ensure that all candidates are being assessed somewhat based on their qualifications and potential fit for the role.


Alignment Across Team Members


Defining hiring criteria and objectives will ensure that all hiring team members are on the same page. This will prevent any miscommunication or confusion during the selection process and increase the chances of finding the right candidate for the role.


Attract Top Talent


A well-defined set of criteria and objectives can act as a selling point for top talent. When potential candidates see that your company clearly understands what they are looking for in an employee, it signals that your organization values its employees and is invested in their success.


Improve Retention Rates


Hiring based on clear criteria and objectives can lead to better retention rates. By ensuring that you are hiring individuals with the necessary skills, experience, and cultural fit, you are more likely to find employees who will thrive in their roles and stay with the company long-term.


Increase Employee Performance


When hired based on specific criteria aligned with your company's goals and culture, employees are more likely to perform well in their roles. This can lead to increased productivity, higher job satisfaction, and overall better performance for the company.


Create a Diverse Workforce


Setting diverse hiring criteria and objectives can help promote diversity and inclusion within your organization. Your company can benefit from a more well-rounded workforce by actively seeking out candidates from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.


Guide Your Interviews and Assessments


Having a well-defined set of objectives will help guide your interviews and assessments. This will help your team ask more relevant questions and evaluate candidates based on the most critical factors for success in the role.


Build Your Hiring Team With Hire Velocity


Incorporating these tips into your hiring process can help you create a strong hiring team that efficiently finds the right tech talent and ensures they are a good fit for your team.

Hire Velocity wants to be part of your team. We've created solutions that bring together decades of recruitment experience. Leverage the solutions your company needs, contact us to learn more.