Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Blog | Hire Velocity

5 Ways To Handle Call Center Recruitment | Hire Velocity

Written by Hire Velocity | February 2022

2022 is predicted to be a job-seekers market, which means competition will be fierce for the best job candidates. Successful call center recruitment means you need to act fast and use efficient recruitment tactics to hire the right people. Here are a few ways to quickly hire call-center professionals.  


1. Develop A Call Center Recruitment Strategy

Every call center recruitment process begins with identifying the need and the right candidates for the job. Pin down the skills and experience necessary to join your call-center team. Once you know what you are looking for in a prospect, develop a strategy to recruit them. You can either hire them yourself or rely on the speed and expertise of a recruitment process outsourcing (RPO).  In the end, plan a strategy that fits your budget and can quickly help you reach the best and brightest customer service representatives.


2. Act Fast and Respond Quickly 

Every minute counts in the race to hire job candidates. Communication is key during the hiring process, and prompt communication from a potential employer can positively affect potential employees. The best candidates often make job decisions based on who they hear from first. Embrace new technology to reach applicants quicker, including automation software, text messages, social media recruiting, and responsive applicant tracking systems.  


3. Create An Engaging Candidate Experience

Creating a positive candidate experience can mean the difference between attracting a great candidate or losing them to a competitor. Over the past two years, 58% of job seekers reported declining a job offer due to a poor candidate experience. Assess your hiring funnel and candidate experience and look for ways to improve. 


4. Provide A Clear Job Description

A job description is an important part of the call center recruitment process. It helps you outline what you are looking for in a potential candidate and what they can expect if they are hired. Write a well-defined job description that includes all necessary information such as skills needs, qualifications, education, requirements, benefits, working hours, and any other details that may be interesting to potential candidates. A clear job description not only helps your candidate understand the role but helps you thoughtfully evaluate job seekers, leading to faster and more consistent hiring decisions.


5. Showcase Your Company Culture

Culture is on employees’ and jobseekers’ minds. 77% of respondents to a recent survey by Glassdoor said they would consider a company’s culture before applying for a job. Showcase your culture on your job description, website, and anywhere you share a job posting. But, be consistent in your messaging. Jobseekers will pay attention to nuances in messages to understand if your company culture is a right fit for them.  


Find Top-Talent Quickly

The battle for top talent continues this year, so do not fall behind the competition. Use these techniques to save time and hire the customer service representatives you need to keep your business moving forward.  

If you need to fill open positions quickly, control costs, and identify the right candidates for your culture, contact us at Hire Velocity. Our executive search team can help you identify qualified candidates for your company and ensure optimal cultural fit. As a top RPO firm, we bring practical insight and specific knowledge of your industry to help you attract the best candidates.