Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Blog | Hire Velocity

What Do Your Employees Think About You?

Written by Hire Velocity | July 2012

You’ve focused plenty of attention on building a strong brand that resonates with consumers. But how about that new talent you’re trying to attract? If you want employees that are passionate about working for your company, then you’ll need to focus on developing an employer branding strategy that links to your corporate or product brand image.

  • Get your HR and Marketing teams on the same page.
    Your HR and marketing departments need to put their heads together in order to develop a unified branding strategy. The goal of an employer branding strategy is to close the gap between what your current and potential employees think of you as a corporate entity and how they view you as an employer.
  • Make sure the transition between consumer and employer branding is seamless.
    Companies like Apple and Google work hard to make sure employees see the same company image that customers do. For instance, Apple incorporates product images in their candidate recruitment process while at the same time encouraging the prospect to imagine himself as part of the team. And Google, of course, is notorious for its playful and non-traditional work atmosphere, just as they are for the Easter Eggs they include in their website (try typing “do a barrel roll” into the search box).
  • Include messaging to current employees.
    When you begin hitting employer branding hard, it can be easy to focus all your efforts on potential employees while neglecting your current ones. Make sure current employees are on board in order to create a unified atmosphere in the office.
  • Recruit “brand ambassadors” among current staff.
    One way you can keep the message fresh is to recruit current employees to help communicate the brand message. The goal is to promote brand engagement first, followed by brand advocacy as employees become more loyal to your company.
  • Assess candidate touch points.
    Define each of the places a potential employee might encounter your brand: social media, job postings, career portals, recruitment videos, etc. Each of these touch points should include a strong employer branding message, helping prospective talent engage with your company’s value proposition.
  • Help the candidate visualize himself as part of your team.
    This is another step in the employer branding process that Apple has mastered. As you navigate through the Apple career portal, you’ll be encouraged to “Imagine what you could do here” and to “Amaze yourself. Amaze the world.”

The most effective employer branding strategies appear effortless and seamless—which of course requires detailed planning and flawless execution. But it’s worth the investment as your employees become brand advocates, helping you spread your message to the world.